Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Paper #2, Option 2 (due October 10th)

Paper #2, Option 2: Teaching Literature Statement of Purpose


In Chapter 54 of True Believer, Dr. Rose tells her students,

“Remember, our goal is lucidity.

Gleaming lucidity.

Only when we are lucid can we be constructive.

Only when we are constructive

can we live with good conscience in the world.

Only when we live with good conscience in the world

will the rage of the people calm” (171).


In essence, this is Dr. Rose’s teaching philosophy, and she explains that pushing students to be “lucid” in their expression, thoughts, and intentions, will allow them to “construct” their own place in the world, rather than be acted upon by others. She sees this as the basis for a rational, democratic society which is based not on hatred or bias but on mutual tolerance and understanding. It’s a pretty noble goal for an educator, and one that the NCTE Standards for ELA would undoubtedly agree with.


For your Paper #2, I want you to write your own Statement of Purpose as a future teacher of literature. This statement should explain why you think teaching literature is a crucial part of the ELA curriculum, and how it aligns with your own beliefs about education, literacy, self-empowerment. Think about this statement as introducing you as a teacher to future employers, so they will understand why you will make a valuable addition to their school district. Here are some of the ideas you should consider as you write your statement of purpose:


1.     How do you define learning? What does learning in the context of reading and literature look like?

2.     What values, beliefs, and aspirations do you hold as a literature teacher? If you could create an ideal situation for teaching literature, what would it look like?

3.     What goals do you hold for your students? What skills/ knowledge would you like them to learn/develop?

4.     What teaching methods do you plan on using to achieve these goals? How does theory influence the methods you value? 

5.     Why do you want to teach literature to secondary students? Why could you consider this your ‘calling’?

6.     How do you plan on growing as a teacher throughout your career? Do you have specific goals for yourself? 


In answering these questions, you should use examples from (a) True Believer, since this is a text about education that also explores different genres and students of diverse backgrounds, and (b) Culler’s Literary Theory, to give theoretical examples that back up your beliefs and values in teaching literature. Many of the questions above will help you address the current NCTE Standards in Learning and Learners in ELA, ELA Content Knowledge, Instructional Practice: Planning and Implementing Instruction in ELA. I will post a link to the NCTE requirements on the blog so you can get a sense of some of the requirements you’ll be asked to meet as a future teacher of ELA: https://ncte.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021_NCTE_Standards.pdf  


REQUIREMENTS: Should be around 4-5 pages double spaced; should use at least 2 sources (as listed above) but can use others; cite sources according to MLA or APA format with a  Works Cited Page. DUE Tuesday, October 10 by 5pm

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